in between

When one’s leaving an encounter and feeling transformed it has been a significant experience. Most encounters hold potential that can unfold, be it adopting new perspectives, recognizing qualities of the other person, or evolving through differences and similarities.
We live in a time where the individual self has increased become increasingly important and digital self-presentation is taking on ever new forms. The question arises:
What impact can the heightened focus on one's own self have? Are we open to profound encounters, or are we ignoring, perhaps even overlooking, the importance and strength of mutual exchange? Do we lose the ability and willingness, to form connections by concentrating on our own selves? Are we aware of our attachment patterns and their consequences, and would this knowledge help us to build deep relationships and respect the other person in their entirety?
How do we manage our different needs for closeness and distance? Has digitization altered our perception of closeness?

The preceding process consisted of extensive discourse on attachment themes with the couples I have photographed so far. The analog photographs were taken in the couples' private environments. Closeness, distance, and the codes of their attachment behavior were made visible, reflected upon, and explored.

The work is ongoing and is being constantly updated. 2023

in between
in between
in between
in between
in between
in between
in between
in between
in between
in between